Frequently Asked Questions

This document contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Hygieia.

How to configure the GitHub Collector for a Private Repo?

To configure the GitHub collector for a private repository, generate a secret key and add the secret key and your user ID to the API properties file. For detailed instructions, see Encryption for Private Repos.

To pass the GitHub authentication information in the file, modify and force the response string to fetch the password from the properties file:

//ResponseEntity<String> response = makeRestCall(queryUrlPage, settings.getUserId(), decryptedPassword);
ResponseEntity<String> response = makeRestCall(queryUrlPage, settings.getUserId(), settings.getKey());

Using the properties github.key and github.personalAccessToken for encrypting private GitHub repositories


github.key is the value generated from the core module. You can generate this key from the UI as an admin user. The steps are as follows:

  1. Create an admin user in Hygieia with username admin and password of your choice. For detailed instructions, see Create Admin User.
  2. Navigate to Admin Settings -> Generate Api Token, and create a new key by setting a name and expiration date. For detailed instructions, see Generate API Token.
  3. Copy the generated key to file as github.key="generated key".
  4. In the file, add the property, key="generated key".

The generated key is used to encrypt the password when you configure the GitHub repository for accessing private repos. Provide credentials when configuring private GitHub repos.

Note: Public repos do not require values for github.key and github.personalAccessToken.


The value of the property github.personalAccessToken is directly taken from GitHub -> Developer Settings-> Personal access token. For detailed instructions, see the GitHub documentation.

This token is also used for accessing the private repos.

You can either set the value for github.key or github.personalAccesstoken in order to access private repos.

In addition, please refer Encryption for Private Repos.

How to change the UI port to a port other than 3000?

By default, the UI uses port 3000 to display the dashboard. To change the port, make the following changes to the gulpfile.js:

          port: 9999,
          server: {
              baseDir: hygieia.dist,
              startPath: '/',
              middleware: [proxyMiddleware]
          ghostMode: ghostMode

Restart the API service. In addition, clear the browser cache and cookies or use incognito tab to launch the UI, and then run the following in the command line or terminal:

gulp serve

How to remove unconfigured widgets from the dashboard?

To remove unconfigured widgets from a dashboard, execute the following:

  1. Signup and login as ‘admin’ user. For detailed instructions, see Signup and Login.
  2. Create a custom template by choosing the widgets that appear on the dashboard. For detailed instructions, see Manage Dashboard Templates.

Only the selected widgets are displayed on the dashboard.

Error while building the API layer

When setting up the API layer, the following error is displayed:

INFO  org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server
com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket

In this case, make sure to connect to your MongoDB instance and the MongoDB user dashboarduser is created with password dbpassword.

For detailed instructions on Hygieia database setup based on your platform, see Database Setup.

Once the database setup is complete, following steps in the API Configuration document to complete the API setup.

Product Dashboard - Not seeing data in environment stages (DEV, INT, PROD, PERF, and so on) after configuring the pipeline.

In this case, execute the following steps:

  1. Do a dummy commit on your GitHub, run Jenkins build, and then deploy jobs for that repo.
  2. Configure build and deploy widgets.
  3. Configure pipeline with available environment stages in the dropdown.
  4. Add that team dashboard to the product dashboard.
  5. Repeat Step 1.
  6. Refresh the product dashboard.

Note: Make sure the GitHub collector is running to pull the latest commits.

In the Feature widget, team names are not populated in the dropdown menu for JIRA.

Set the following properties in your file:

feature.jiraTeamFieldName = [A non-empty value. For example, customfield_14401]

To view the sample application properties for JIRA, see JIRA Collector.

Hygieia API build fails due to the following test failure:

DefaultSecurityTest.registerUser:87 Status expected:<200> but was:<401>

In the “” file, add the property auth.expirationTime with a reasonably high value so the JWT token does not expire.


The JIRA widget shows all items as open, even closed/resolved/in progress items.

This is caused when the status information coming back from the JIRA endpoint is not a valid JSON.

Verify the response from the browser using the following URL:


GitHub collector does not pick up proxy information in Docker.

In this case, add the following to the Dockerfile:

java -Dhttp.proxyHost=docker.for.mac.localhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=8099 -Dhttps.proxyHost=docker.for.mac.localhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=8099 -jar github-scm-collector-2.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar