Brief instructions to help you create new content or edit the existing documentation for Hygieia.

Create or Edit the Documents

To create and edit markdown files for Hygieia documentation, follow the instructions given below:

  • Step 1: Clone the gh-pages branch from your fork

    To make updates to documentation locally, clone the gh-pages branch from your fork:

    git clone -b gh-pages <<your-repo>/Hygieia.git>
  • Step 2: Create and Edit Markdown files

    • Location Details

      All markdown files are saved in the Pages folder in the gh-pages branch. Create and edit all markdown files in this folder.

      All screenshots are saved at media/images/. You can add and save all screenshots to this folder.

    • Frontmatter for Pages

      Make sure each page has frontmatter at the top as follows:

      title: Create and Edit the Documentation
      toc: true
      summary: Contribute to Hygieia Documentation by creating new content or editing the existing documentation.
      sidebar: hygieia_sidebar
      permalink: documentation.html

    For a tutorial on GitHub-flavored markdown, see the GitHub Guide.

  • Step 3: Make Changes to the Table of Contents

    To link new files to the table of contents, edit the YAML files available in the /_data/sidebars folder in gh-pages branch.

    To make changes to the top-navigation in the web pages, edit the topnav.yml file in the /_data folder.

  • Step 4: Commit Changes

    Once you finish making changes to the markdown files, commit your changes. In the command line or terminal, execute the following steps:

    git add <your file name>
    git commit -m “Initial commit”
    git push origin gh-pages
  • Step 5: Create a Pull Request

    To propose your changes to Hygieia documentation, create and submit a pull request. For information on Pull Requests, see the GitHub documentation.

Note: For information about this theme and to build the site locally, follow the instructions here.